Business Pages – Facebooking your way to a successful company

Starting out as a small business can be an intimidating few months or even years. Without the added pressure of knowing to whom, how and where to market your business to bring in the custom. Facebook has around 1.23 billion monthly users and 25 million small business pages, making it an extremely strong platform for linking your business with its target consumer. The popular social media site has grown a great deal from when it was first created. And now with its own search engine, app store, photo editing software, and more, Facebook has evolved into an important attribute to the internet. More recently becoming a successful asset to the digital marketing world.


Business pages – using them for marketing

Business pages may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Facebook. Originally Facebook was primarily for the use of connecting with friends and family via messaging, photographs and Facebook statuses. Now however, the site holds special functions. These allow businesses to create their own profiles (known as pages) to market their brands.

Before you create your business pages, you need to carefully consider what you would like to achieve from it. It could be that you want to use the page to direct followers to your actual website and gain more web traffic in the process. Whilst also advertising promotions and the latest products. Or, your page could simply be a way of interacting with fans of your business.

Many business pages have separate forums in which customers can share and discuss topics in relation to the brand. Giving customers the opportunity to share their own product or service reviews with the potential to increase sales. Photographs, offers, and little insights into your business are what will create likes and shares across your business pages, therefore reaching more people. Facebook also gives you the option to promote your business on people’s newsfeed, a function that is almost guaranteed to create an influx of new and interested customers.

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    Related: How Does Social Media Advertising Boost Your Business Online?

    Social media is a simple, but brilliant way to market your business without the need for overwhelmingly technical strategies. With the ability to communicate directly with your customers at the click of a button, and the function to upload as many product photographs and demonstrations as you like, any business –small or large- should consider marketing through Facebook and other types of social media. Social media is an exciting opportunity to produce more online sales, gain brand following and recognition. Also it gets customers talking, sharing and reviewing your products; potentially driving more revenue for your company.



    As a specialist social media agency, if you would like more information on social media management for your business, please call us at AIM Internet today on 0207 856 0418 or check our our FREE Beginners Guide to Social Media. 

    If you found this blog useful, take a look at a previous one: Social Media Matters: 4 key basics about digital marketing Or Social Media Marketing Trends 2020

    Business Pages | Facebooking your way to a successful company

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