Did you know that almost 90% of B2B researchers will go online during their research phase? In the ever-growing digital age, dismissing having a digital presence means ignoring a whole segment of prospective customers. When it comes to the world of digital marketing for manufacturing companies, there’s plenty of channels to choose from. However, for long-term and sustainable growth, at our manufacturing digital marketing agency, we’d always recommend starting with SEO. SEO (which stands for Search Engine Optimisation) is one of the top channels for increasing brand awareness.
But What Exactly Is SEO?
If you type in “gasket manufacturers”, once you’ve scrolled past the paid advertisements, you’ll see the organic search results. Those website listings appearing in the sweet spot of the search engine results pages (SERPs) are as a result of SEO. SEO is following a wealth of different practices both onsite and offsite that tick Google’s boxes (we call them algorithms).
By meeting best practices, your website has a better chance of ranking high on search engines for specific keywords. The keywords will be ones that are related to your business, and that are likely to be searched for by potential customers. SEO is a never-ending process but one that can deliver impactful results.
Here at AIM Internet, as a leading manufacturing digital marketing agency, we’d highly recommend SEO and opting for this channel when it comes to your digital marketing strategy. But why?
1.Increasing Brand Awareness
The more high volume keywords that your website ranks highly for on the SERPs, the broader your reach. Reach = awareness. If your manufacturing business is visible on lots of relevant results pages, naturally people will start associating your company with certain products/services that you offer. In fact, as this process continues and grows, you can soon be positioned as thought leaders in your space. Alongside this, you will strengthen the visibility and value of your brand. In addition, providing you deliver on your promises, can really scale the reputation of your brand.
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2. Surpass Your Competitors
Dominating the search results pages is a great way to protect your brand and out-soar your competitors. If your products or services are offered elsewhere, you naturally want to be the first port of call when a prospective customer has a demand for what you offer. By ensuring your website ranks at the top of Google and above your competitors, your company is likely to get the first chance at turning a lead into a customer.
3. Hit Every Aspect Of The Marketing Funnel
How else can SEO help your business? When looking at the marketing funnel, a business that is likely to get the conversion is one that has helped the customer at the top of the funnel, but it is still there at the very bottom in the consideration stage too. The buying journey doesn’t necessarily happen after one Google search, but SEO can help your website be there every step of the way. From the informational stage when someone is asking Google what they need, through to when they are asking Google where they can find it. A good SEO content strategy will ensure your website consistently appears to answer a potential customer’s enquiry. As a result, you can quickly gain credibility and trust, and when that person is ready to convert into a customer, you’re much more likely to be the first website they go to.
4. Expand Your Customer Base
It’s safe to say that SEO can really scale your customer base but is SEO good for B2B lead generation? Alongside helping you drive B2B leads to your website through their search terms, SEO can also increase the demand for your products. If your manufacturing company is dominating the results pages, retailers and distributors may want to connect with your business and stock your products.
AIM Internet | Contact Us Today
Looking for a manufacturing digital marketing agency to increase you brand awareness? Considering SEO for your manufacturing company? If so, why not speak to one of our B2B SEO experts today? Explore our website for more information. Alternatively, contact Mike at mike.raybone@aiminternet.co.uk or on 07816 071112 to discuss how we can help you.
If you have found this blog helpful, you may wish to read our previous blog: PPC For The Manufacturing Industry.