Domain Information
A New Perspective
Domain Name Information
As a Domain Name Registrar, AIM Internet adheres to the Registrar Good Practice Agreement of March 2007. We charge annually for .uk domain names at a rate of £28 per annum.
We will invoice you annually to renew the contract and you will be notified at least 30 days in advance of any change.
Complaints and Enquiries
You can contact us by phone on 0207 856 0418 or email us on We will respond within 5 working days.
We will invoice you annually to renew the contract and you will be notified at least 30 days in advance of any change.
Reporting of Abuse such as Phishing or Spam
Please email including as much information as possible to enable us to look into the matter. We will respond within 5 working days.
Moving your hosting or domain away from us
Clients are of course entitled to move their hosting at any time on condition that any website is already fully paid for. Should you wish to terminate your agreement with us please notify us in writing by letter or email. We make a small admin charge of £100 plus VAT to co-ordinate the release of website files and/or the associated domain(s).
Nominet is the central registry for .uk domains. If you register a .uk domain you are entering into a contract with Nominet, the terms of which can be found here.