The Directors of our Birmingham online marketing agency, AIM Internet, recently attended training and sat the Digital Sales Skills exam. This is in order to become Google Trusted Digital Media Advisors. The training is the first of its kind for agencies in the UK. Mike Raybone and Mike Whitticase, are delighted to have been invited to be amongst the first agencies in the UK to get accredited.
To bring you up to speed, here’s a quick Q&A with the MD of our digital agency, Mike, about the training and the benefits for our Birmingham online marketing agency clients:
What Is The Google Trusted Digital Media Advisor Training?
The Google Trusted Digital Media Advisor training (TDMA) is a digital sales skills programme. After that, there is by an exam, developed by the search giant.
What Is The Purpose Of The Training?
It’s for agencies to work with Google in order to ensure small businesses are getting the most out of the digital marketing tools available to help them grow.
Some SME’s have their own in-house digital marketing experts, who know how to navigate and extract the best out of the plethora of tools available. However, if not, they can be at a disadvantage when it comes to succeeding in establishing and maintaining a successful online presence.
Contact Us
Knowing how to put digital marketing to work- to improve your bottom line – can seem overwhelming. This is from experience, from working with our clients at our online marketing agency in Birmingham. However, at the same time, there is no denying that these tools are incredibly powerful ones. They are for businesses to leverage as part of their growth plans.
Google recognises that overwhelm too. Working with agencies like us, they hope to bridge the gap. In addition, ensure SME’s get the best digital marketing information, advice and service possible.
To paraphrase their informational video, Trusted Digital Media Advisors will be able to: “extract meaning from the information clutter… steer them (businesses) to the competitive advantage.”
We help SME’s grow their businesses through digital marketing, by making sure we have the most up to date knowledge. As well as, cutting through the digital-speak jargon. This is something we have done at AIM Internet from the moment we started – 22 years ago. We are always keen to enhance what we bring to the table for our clients. So, when we were invited to take part in the TDMA training, it was a no brainer for us.
What Are The Benefits For Our Birmingham Online Marketing Agency Clients?
The word “expert” gets thrown around a lot in digital marketing. We certainly back our reputation up with our longevity and the many successes we’ve had with different clients over the years.
Part of Google’s inspiration for setting up the training programme, was because they recognised that for small businesses, finding a trusted digital advisor, someone who really knew their stuff, could be difficult.
Since qualified agencies and advisors will have the most in-depth knowledge, they will be best placed to advise on the myriad of ways SME’s can take advantage of digital marketing.
It’s particularly beneficial for any company new to AIM Internet. They will easily be able to recognise us as the best of the digital best, if you will.
It is a practical method for growing businesses. However, for small businesses it can be daunting leap into using digital marketing. Without the big marketing spend of corporates. Every penny they spend has to provide value to their bottom line.
By gaining Google Trusted Digital Media Advisor status, even before working with us, SME’s will know our Birmingham online marketing agency is able to communicate the best digital marketing opportunities and advise on the most appropriate digital marketing solutions for their business.
In short, it gives both our existing and new clients yet another layer of trust. In addition, confidence in our competency as an agency who knows their – digital – onions!
Our enhanced learning will only serve to benefit our clients through a better service offering. This would leading to more valuable relationships and strengthened results.
AIM Internet Digital Marketing Agency In Birmingham
AIM Internet offer a full spectrum of digital marketing services to help small businesses in Birmingham and across the West Midlands to grow, from website design, to PPC & Adwords, to remarketing, to SEO, to social media.
For enquiries about how we can help put digital marketing to work for you in any other way, please Email Mike on OR Call Mike today on 0207 856 0418.
You may also like to read our previous blog on How Many People Use Social Media In The UK. And Why SMEs Should Care.